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About the Department of Civil Law and Private International Law

Department of Civil Law and Private International Law in particular specializes in the following fields of research: inheritance law, insurance law, pharmaceutics law and in international commercial arbitration.

Mrs. prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Pazdan is a Headmaster of the Department.

The Headmaster is also an Editor in Chief of the recognised e-Przegląd Arbitrażowy (Arbitration e-Review) issued by the Court of Arbitration at the Confederation of Lewiatan in coordination with Faculty of Law and Administration of UKSW. Mr. dr hab. Łukasz Żarnowiec is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Arbitration e-Review.

Department of Civil Law and Private International Law organizes conferences regarding civil and private international law. Please see current events section on the main webpage for coming events.

Members of the Department are acting as advocates, legal advisors and judges, which allows them both to connect their professional experience with their research fields and to use their professional experience during classes, in particular during case studies discussed with Students.

Members of the Department:

prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Pazdan – Headmaster

dr hab. Marek Świerczyński, prof. uczelni

dr hab. Łukasz Żarnowiec, prof. uczelni

dr hab. Dariusz Fuchs

dr Jolanta Waszczuk – Napiórkowska

dr Zbigniew Więckowski (Secretary of the Department)

mgr Mateusz Jagieła

Contact details:

dr Zbigniew Więckowski, Secretary of the Department: