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About the department

Department of American Studies

Our team:

  • Dr hab. Zbigniew Lewicki, prof. UKSW ? Professor, Head of the Department
  • Dr Tomasz Płudowski, Assistant Professor
  • Dr Wojciech Kwiatkowski, Assistant Professor

Our department is a part of the Institute of International Law, European Union and International Relations – organized unit of the Faculty of Law and Administration of UKSW in Warsaw. It was established by the decision of the UKSW Senate in 2007. Since then it’s chairperson is Professor Zbigniew Lewicki.

Department of American Studies at UKSW brings together researchers of different disciplines such as English philology, sociology and law, who in his research deals with the problems associated with the United States of America. In both semesters we have a classes (which relate to various aspects of the USA – such as history, politics, legal system and society) for a first and second-degree students.

Thanks to our common effort in 2014 was published a book ?Ameryka. Polityka, prawo, społeczeństwo? (?America. Politics, law, society?). This publication (edited by Professor Zbigniew Lewicki) covers wide range of issues whose knowledge is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the basic phenomena that had a decisive influence on the rise and unprecedented rapid growth of the United States in the political, economic and cultural field.

For further details or contact please consult other sections of the website (in Polish).