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About the department


Prof. Jarosław Majewski

University Professor

Prof. UKSW Maria Szczepaniec


Julia Zygmunt Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Adam Błachnio Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Piotr Zakrzewski Ph.D. Assistant Professor – secretary of the department

As part of their teaching activities, employees of the Department of Criminal Law teach the following course subjects: Criminal Law (for the Faculty of Law) and Basics of Criminal Law (for the Faculty of Administration). The didactic offer of the Chair also includes graduate and undergraduate seminars, monographic lectures (e.g. Criminology, Criminalistics, Criminal Law in Medicine).

Under the curatorship of the Department of Criminal Law operate:

since 2006, the Student Circle of Penal Sciences, whose scientific supervisor is Dr hab. Maria Szczepaniec, prof. of the university

since 2016, the Student Scientific Circle of Substantive Criminal Law, whose scientific supervisor is Dr Piotr Zakrzewski.

The main scientific interest of the staff of the Department of Criminal Law remains substantive criminal law. Since 2004, the Chair of Criminal Law has been organising, every year in May, the Bielański Kolokwia Karnistyczne, nationwide scientific conferences devoted to the central issues of the theory and dogmatics of criminal law. Along with the biennial conventions of criminal law departments, this is currently the only periodically organised nationwide scientific event in the field of criminal law in Poland. Previous scientific conferences in this series dealt with the following issues: grounds for responsibility for result-oriented offences, the institution of concurrence of regulations and concurrence of offences, forms of stage and phenomenal forms of committing an offence, circumstances excluding the unlawfulness of an act (counter-actives), extraordinary penalty, circumstances excluding guilt, intentionality and its forms, unintentionality and measures connected with putting the perpetrator on probation. The Bielański Kolokwia Karnistyczne are very popular, they are attended in large numbers by representatives of criminal law sciences from all Polish academic centres, as well as by representatives of legal professions: judges, prosecutors and attorneys. Each year, readers will find a monograph containing the aftermath of the colloquia, which is based on the texts of the papers delivered and the records of the discussions.