The European Chair
Dr hab. Stanisław Konopacki, prof. UKSW
Jean Monnet Chair at the University of Łódź. Author of many books on: Poland in a Drifting Europe, The End of Europe, Union Citizenship in the Context of Poland’s Accession to the EU, and European Integration and Postmodernism. He is also the coauthor of Changing Europeand National and Ethnic Identity in the European Context and the editor ofPolish Presidency in the Council of European Union and Poland’s Five Years in the EU.
Member of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA); the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES); the International Political Studies Association (IPSA) and the European Union Studies Association, USA (EUSA).
- Historia integracji europejskiej
- European integration in XX & XXI century
- System instytucjonalny UE
Research areas:
- Unia Europejska i jej instytucje
- Procesy integracyjne w Europie w XX wieku
- Kryzys Unii Europejskiej
- Europe in the Time of Crisis, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2015;
- Polska ? Pięć lat w Unii Europejskiej (red.), Łódź, 2009
- Koniec Europy. Czy Unia Europejska jest zdolna do dalszego rozszerzenia?, Warszawa 2007
- Europe After Enlargement 2004, (red.), Łódź University Press 2007
- Obywatelstwo europejskie w kontekście członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 2005.
- Changing Europe, (współautorstwo), Routledge, London-New York 2002.
- National and ethnic identity in the European Context, (współautorstwo), Łódź University Press 2001.
- Integracja europejska w dobie postmodernizmu, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza Poznań, 1998.
- Od stowarzyszenia do członkostwa, (red.), Instytut Europejski, Łódź 1998

Dr Mariusz Maszkiewicz
Graduated from Philosophy- History Faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, when defended his Ph. D. thesis in 1993. Since 1990 in the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs. Charge d?Affaires in Lithuania (1991-1994), General Consul in Hrodna (1994-1997), Ambasador in Belarus (1998-2002). Since 2007 works in the Institute of the International Relations of UKSW. Reading lectures at the East European Studies Institute of Warsaw University.
- External policy of the EU
- Polish Eastern Policy
- Philosophy of politics
Research areas:
- Eastern Europe and the Polish Eastern Policy
- External Relations of the EU
- Polish political thought and political strategies in the XX and XXI age.
Books :
- Ukraina i polska polityka wschodnia( w języku ukraińskim) , Kijów 2015;
- Między bezpieczeństwem a tożsamością, Wrocław 2013;
- Belarus ? towards a United Europe(red.), Wrocław 2009;
- Białoruś ? zespół ukrytego paradoksu, POU, Warszawa-Kraków-Legnica, 2008;
- Mistyka i rewolucja, Kraków 1995